Ultimate Guide: How To Get Rid of Razor Bumps and Burns

While shaving is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of body hair, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. One of the most common issues that may arise is razor bumps and burns. Annoying, red, itchy and painful. Nobody wants that. This usually occurs immediately after shaving or when the hair is growing back. They can appear on any parts of the body and can take some time to heal. And while razor burns and bumps are uncomfortable and unsightly, the good news is that they are treatable and avoidable. Check out our ultimate guide on how to get rid of razor bumps and burns!

Shaving is the fastest and easiest way to get rid of body hair


  • 2 Should I shave if I have razor bumps?
  • 3 Are razor bumps permanent?
  • 4 How Long Does Razor Burn Last?
  • 5 Best Way To Get Rid of Razor Bumps
  • 6 Razor Burn Treatment
  • 7 How To Prevent Razor Bumps and Burns?
  • 8 How To Shave?
  • What are razor bumps caused by?

    There is a difference between bumps and burns. However, razor bumps and ingrown hairs are basically the same thing. The terms can be used interchangeably.

    Razor bumps are most often caused by friction from the razor and the growth of ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs happen when the hair starts to grow back but rather than growing out, it grows into the skin. They can occur after any type of hair removal. This includes shaving, waxing, or plucking. The hair may curl and turn inward. As the new skin cells grow over the hair, it becomes trapped and causes a bump to form.

    However, with shaving it occurs happens much more frequently. It leaves behind itchy, painful, sometimes puss-filled bumps on the skin as the hair starts to grow back.

    How to get rid of razor bumps and burns

    How is it different from razor burn?

    Razor bumps and razor burn are two different things, however they can occur at the same time. Razor burn is a type of skin irritation that occurs right after you shave an area. And as we already mentioned, razor bumps usually develop when the hair starts growing back in. Razor burn is most commonly the result of dry shaving, or shaving in the opposite direction than the hair grows.

    Razor burn is a type of skin irritation

    Should I shave if I have razor bumps?

    Shaving while having visible razor bumps is not a great idea. Regardless of where these bumps are, even if it’s just one single one, you need to stop shaving for a while. At least until everything heals.

    Do not shave if you have bumps and burns

    Are razor bumps permanent?

    No, razor bumps are not permanent. They typically last no longer than two or three days. Sometimes, they may take two weeks or more to go away. However, razor bumps and burns can be more than just an annoyance. They can cause permanent damage if they are not treated on time. Watch your burn and bumps closely. If they do not get better by the average healing time, they may cause an infection, which may need to be treated with topical or oral medications. Severe razor bumps can also lead to scarring or darkening of the skin.

    How to get rid of razor bumps and burns

    How Long Does Razor Burn Last?

    Just like bumps, razor burns will usually clear up within two or three days. However, self-care and home remedies can help symptoms clear even earlier. Talk to a professional if it seems too severe, or it doesn’t go away within a couple of days.

    Burns clear up within two or three days

    Best Way To Get Rid of Razor Bumps

    While bumps will often go away without any treatment, however there are some ways to treat already existing bumps to help the process go along faster.

    Bumps will often go away without any treatment


    After you shave make sure to pat the area with a towel and apply some moisturizer. You should always moisturize as soon as you’re done shaving, but especially as soon as you see razor bumps. This will help hydrate, soften, and protect the skin. It will ease any itching caused by razor bumps and burns. Make sure to find a moisturizer that is alcohol-free in order to avoid irritating your skin.

    Search for moisturizers with aloe vera or shea butter and hydrate the shaved area. Keep in mind that you may have an allergic reaction to certain moisturizers, or that some may block your hair follicles, consequently causing more ingrown hairs.

    Moisturize with aloe vera or shea butter

    Ultimate Guide: How To Get Rid of Razor Bumps and Burns

    Cool or Warm Compress

    Compresses help aid in many situations. Applying a warm compress to your skin before shaving can help open pores and loosen and draw out the ingrown hairs. Similarly, you can also steam the area in a hot shower or sauna.

    On the other hand, a cold compress may help relax irritated skin. After shaving, wet a washcloth with cool water and put it on the shaved area for a couple of minutes. This may help in reducing redness and pain in a razor burn. You can also splash some cold water on the razor bumps as soon as you see them. This will make the pores shrink and soothe the skin.

    How to get rid of razor bumps


    Sometimes using a scrub can help remove dead skin cells that plug the pores and keep the hairs trapped inside. Usually these types of scrubs contain sugar, salt, ground up fruit pits, or tiny beads. They can remove debris and free any ingrown hairs by physically sloughing off dead skin cells.

    However, keep in mind that some people may have a skin reaction to the rough texture of scrubs, especially in people with sensitive or inflamed skin. Do not use any types of scrubs or exfoliants on skin that is red, irritated, or sensitive. You can find a variety of scrubs on the market.

    A scrub can help remove dead skin cells

    Sweet Almond Oil

    If you have an almond or nut allergy, it’s best to avoid this type of treatment. Sweet almond oil is made from dried almond kernels. It’s super emollient and it’s a great natural moisturizer.

    Apply some oil to the area of the skin you have shaved. Or apply it directly to inflamed skin as needed.

    Avoid if you have a nut allergy


    Use this method with caution. Sometimes needles and tweezers can cause bacterial infections and scarring. However, if an ingrown hair is visible, it may be helpful to use a sterile, pointed tweezers to pull it out.

    Removing the trapped hair can get rid of bumps quickly. Make sure to sterilize the tweezers with alcohol and cleanse the skin and hands with soap and water before tweezing. If the hair is not visible on the surface, using tweezers may cause more irritation and damage. Do not pick or squeeze at the bumps.

    How to get rid of razor bumps

    Salicylic Acid

    Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that helps exfoliate, or peel, skin cells. It can penetrate oil glands in the skin to unclog pores and fight off inflammation.

    Salicylic acid works to remove razor bumps by sloughing off dead skin cells. This allows the ingrown hair to make its way out of the pore. Consequently,reducing the appearance of the bump. You can find various products that contain salicylic acid. Look for products such as cleansers, toners, and lotions.

    Salicylic acid helps exfoliate the skin

    Baking Soda Paste

    Baking soda has a cooling effect on the skin. It’s thought that this common household item can draw out heat and pain. To make the paste, all you need is to add some baking soda to filtered water until a thick paste starts to form. Apply some paste to the skin. Leave it on until it dries and rise it on thoroughly.

    Make baking soda paste

    Glycolic Acid

    Just like salicylic acid, glycolic acid helps by exfoliating and peeling off removing old cells from the surface of the skin. Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid.

    As we mentioned, bumps develop when excess skin cells clog the pores and trap the hair inside. With the help of glycolic acid you can get those cells out of the way and allow the hair to reach the surface. It speeds up the skin’s natural sloughing process and helps razor bumps clear up quicker, and it gives the skin a smoother appearance.

    Glycolic acid gives the skin a smoother appearance

    Topical Cream

    Sometimes, bumps that look inflamed or taking extra time to heal may be aided with a topical steroid. These types of creams will help reduce inflammation. You can find many types of these over-the-counter creams at your local drug store.

    Search for hydrocortisone creams. These types of creams are a topical steroids that reduce the inflammation and are usually a low strength formula. You can also try cream with benzoyl peroxide. Applying this acne treatment will help remove bacteria and dead skin cells that are cloging the pores that lead to razor bumps. It can also dry up affected areas of the skin and reduce discoloration.

    Start with your moisturizer, then add the cortisone right on top. For the safest results, use a low-strength hydrocortisone cream externally and only for a short period of time. If you experience any side effects or worsening inflammation, discontinue use.

    Use topical, over-the-counter creams

    Razor Burn Treatment

    If you are experinceing razor burn there are a couple of methods you can try to help soothe the affected area.

    Treat the razor burns

    Colloidal Oatmeal Bath

    Colloidal oatmeal is made by grinding oats into a fine powder. Oats contain phenols with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Colloidal oatmeal can help soothe, cleanse, and moisturize the skin.

    For razor burn relief, soak in a colloidal oatmeal bath at least once daily for ten to fifteen minutes.

    Colloidal oatmeal can help soothe, cleanse, and moisturize the skin

    Calendula Cream

    Calendula cream is an herbal remedy made from calendula flowers. It’s used to reduce inflammation, heal rashes, and promote wound healing. That’s why it’s great for treating razor burns.

    To help soothe a burn, apply a thin layer of calendula cream to the affected area. So this at least once or twice per day until it has healed.

    This cream is an herbal remedy made from calendula flowers

    Tea Tree

    Tea tree oil has shown to have many benefits. It’s used for acne, and as a natural remedy to heal minor wounds and soothe burns.

    When using tea tree oil, make sure to not use it undiluted. Mix it with a carrier oil, such as coconut or sweet almond. Use one to three drops of tea tree per one teaspoon of carrier oil. However, even diluted tea tree oil may cause an allergic reaction or further skin irritation in some people. Test it on a small patch of your skin beforehand to see how it reacts.

    When using tea tree oil, make sure to diluted it

    Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera is famous with its soothing properties. It even helps to heal serious burns. To treat razor burn, apply a thin layer of pure aloe vera gel on the affected area. You can find a lot of different gels and topical creams on the market. You can also harvest it from an aloe plant if you have one at home.

    Aloe vera has some serious healing properties

    Coconut Oil

    Who said coconut oil is only for cooking? It’s also great for your skin. Studies show coconut oil is a safe and effective type of therapy for healing any types of burns. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

    To treat razor burns, apply a thin layer of organic, expeller-pressed coconut oil to the inflamed area.

    Coconut oil is great for the skin

    How To Prevent Razor Bumps and Burns?

    If you don’t take any steps in preventing razor burns and bumps, you’ll find yourself stuck in a vicious cycle. If you continue to shave over constantly irritated skin, these problems will get worse and worse. The thing is there is no hygienic or medical reason that you need to remove body of facial hair. So, it’s normal for the skin to feel irrateted.

    If you continue to shave over constantly irritated skin, these problems will get worse and worse

    Most often these types of skin irritations are the culprit of improper shaving techniques. Razor burn and ingrown hairs are caused by shaving too close, shaving with a dull razor or just not prepping the skin beforehand. Skipping exfoliation, shaving cream and lotion can also lead to skin abrasions.

    Changing the way you shave your skin, whether it be your face, legs or bikini line, can help prevent rashes and bumps from forming. It will also ensure that the skin is left silky smooth every time.

    Skin irritations are the culprit of improper shaving techniques

    How To Shave?

    Okay, so now that we know a wrong shaving technique is one of the main causes for razor burn and ingrown hairs, let’s see how to properly shave in order to avoid them. Start practicing shaving habits.


    Avoid using soap


    Exfoliate the skin

    Shaving: Step by Step

    Here are some steps in preparing your skin for shaving. This will minimize the chance of irritation.

    Prepare your skin for shaving

    This was our guide on how to get rid of razor bumps and burns. We hope you found it helpful and useful! Now you know how to prevent prevent these pesky annoyances and live a bump and burn free life!

    Ultimate guide: how to get rid of razor bumps and burns